Spatial/ audio/ visua / Installation/ Experience
Through the collaboration with record label Futura Resistenza from Brussels, I continued the theme of “Biometrical Relaxation Exercise” but since the assignment here was to get inspired by vinyls, I created an audio-visual installation in one of the toilets at Roodkapje in Rotterdam. On the toilet walls I glued the printed biometrics of the audience from the collaboration with Hocus Bogus Publishing. Next to the toilet seat I put a small shelf that had a small vinyl player on it that played a mumbled version of ‘Take me home, country roads’ by John Denver. The melody of the song I recorded with my fake nails only. The vinyl with the song was made into one piece with my old passport. The person coming in had to sit, read the instructions on how to play the vinyl on the door and enjoy a relaxed time in the toilet with some audio-visual stimulation. I took a rather intimate space as the toilet to make the audience think about also intimate topics just as the lyrics of the song suggest ‘Take me home, country roads, to the place I belong “… but where do we belong?
Photo: Sjoerd van Kampen
Photo: Sjoerd van Kampen