Visual & Media Influencing

Photography: Alice Luccinelli
Graphic design: Karla Zlimen
Advertising & general advice: Charlotte Verwij
Campaign team: Famke Immelmann, Lisa Vander Plaetse, Emily Claridge, Georgina Henry, Jemma Betterton
Main supervisor and mentor: Kenville Kleinmoedig from RBS

Exploring who and why people like and what attracts them to vote. The voting quota for 2020 and years before was only 1% of the entire Willem de Kooning Academy. By making this humorous narrative with the visual communication of the campaign picture and slogan, I try to connect with the voters. At the same time, as a female international student with non-European papers, this is my attempt to make space for somebody who is usually not represented in the space of the academy, or the student board. Therefore I address my position within the institution as well as the position of a lot of students who struggle but do not feel heard. This campaign gained a lot of attention and besides making people want to vote, it motivated future generations to participate in the student council for the next few years. Not to forget to mention, with this campaign I won the elections and was on the council for my last year at the university.